I journaled every day for 270 days. Here are the three main benefits ⤵️ 📈Increased productivity 🥇Improved prioritization 🔍Micro-improvements on daily actions Increased productivity 📈 The increase in productivity came from being more focused in the evenings. When I have downtime in the evening, I write my journal entry. This results in clarity on what my future self wants me to do today. Instead of mindlessly scrolling or consuming, I guide myself to spend time on things I value.


Not The Best at Anything? You Need a Skill Stack ⤵️ Scott Adams introduced the skill stack in one of my favorite books: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. Here is the idea: No need for excellence or being world-class. You can raise your market value by being merely good — not extraordinary — at more than one skill. My Application of the Skill Stack The skill stack is perfect for the generalists and curious.


Job criteria evolution over the years Back in 2018, I had a checklist of requirements when applying for jobs: Industry: Tech or finance Good earning potential within five years Opportunity for rapid advancement based on performance Large task variability Location near Helsinki Unqualified for the role Back then, landing any three out of six would have been enough. The office location was essential because remote work wasn’t widespread.


I could go to the movies on a Monday afternoon, but I never have. Worse than that, I would have judged others for that rather than find the flaw in my thinking. Since reading Semler’s Maverick, I have gone to the movies on a Friday afternoon, had a two-hour lunch with my wife on a Wednesday, and taken calls from my home gym. Zero people at work noticed. The only thing stopping me was myself.


What if building a home gym was the key to workout consistency? Explore my space-saving setup, where determination meets convenience. By investing in a home gym, you can say goodbye to missed workouts and hello to a healthier life! Here is what I have in my home gym ⤵️ Barbell 20 kg Bumber plates 157.5 kg Adjustable weight dumbbells Concept 2 rower Flat bench Squat stands Accessories (e.


For the longest time, when I thought about what my dream life looked like, I always thought of an easy life. Usually, it had components like these: working less less stress more time for relationships more vacations more spontaneous life etc. As far as I can remember, my actions have never aligned with wanting an easy life1. I have always strived to improve, learning more & faster, making more money, working more effectively & efficiently, etc.


The 1-3-1 method for problem-solving: Define the (1) problem Identify three (3) potential solutions Select the best (1) solution I suggest an improvement to the 1-3-1 method — adding a phase zero. Problem-solving method: 0-1-3-1 0-1-3-1 by Matti Label the feeling (0) Define the (1) problem Identify three (3) potential solutions Select the best (1) solution Let me explain. Phase zero isn’t about problem-solving.


This list of books and resources is always growing. I consider all of these worthy of reading and re-reading. There are two sections: Non-Fiction Books and Children’s Picture Books. The latter is just a list of titles and authors, no explanations provided. If you believe I’m missing a banger from these lists, please email or direct message the missing book and the reason for reading & re-reading it. Non-Fiction Books I have read and re-read all these books.


Cause of my negative feelings in one word: expectations. Expecting technology to always work Expecting close companions to easily understand me Expecting to get a quick reply to an urgent email Failing to manage the expectations of others Expecting to never stub my toe Expecting to never make dumb mistakes Etc. While Stoic literature has a great collection of wisdom on banishing expectations, Anthony de Mello crystallized it best:


How I know if I’m still learning & pushing my limits: 🦋Butterflies in stomach? 💦Sweaty palms? 💗Elevated heart rate? 🥱Yawning? Rate of learning can be measured by qualitative and quantitative measures. One of my favorite methods is recognizing the feelings that I have when I’m pushing myself: discomfort, nervousness, anxiety. The frequency of these emotions are a good measurement for me that I’m pushing my limits. The more frequently I feel these, the more likely it is that I’m learning rapidly.